Znanstvene i kliničke studije
Obzirom na broj provedenih znanstvenih i kliničkih studija o utjecaju zeolita na zdravlje, zeolit spada među najistraživanije supstance. Ovdje vam donosimo neke od tih studija.
1. Studije o zeolitu
Book of Abstracts – Zeolite ’06
Zeolite potentials, 26 study abstracts
Clinoptilolite-heulandite: applications and basic research
News and Comment on the Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Navy Research
Scientific Research Monograph, Natural Cellular Defense
2. Imunitet
Case report of transient hipofammaglobulinemia treated with tribo mechanicaly activated zeolite
3. Detoksikacija
Detoxing Chemicals and Pollutants for Optimal Health
Landmark Study in Heavy Metal Detoxification Published Using Activated Liquid Zeolite
Natural Zeolite to Prevent Nuclear Leakage
The adsorption of nicotine from aqueous solutions on different zeolite structures
The removal of heavy metal cations by natural zeolites
Simultaneous removal of metals Cu Fe Cr with anions SO4 and HPO4 using clinoptilolite
Purification of natural zeolite-clinoptilolite for medical application-Extraction of lead
4. Homeostaza
Purification of antibodies by zeolite
The role of products containing zeolite in ensuring homeostasis
5. Autizam
Autism and behavioural disorders in children
The application of natural zeolites for mercury removal from laboratory tests to industrial scale
Treatment Options for Mercury in Autism
6. Antitumorska aktivnost
Molecular mechanisms of anticancer activity of natural dietetic products
Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy
Zeolite Skin Cream gets rid of Skin Cancers with no Pain or Scarring
The effect of the zeolite clinoptilolite on serum chemistry and hematopoiesis in mice
US Patent: Epithelial cell cancer drug
7. Antioksidativni i antimikrobni efekti
Antioxidative and immunostimulatory effect of natural clinoptilolite in vivo
Antiviral properties of clinoptilolite
8. Antivirusni i antifugalni efekti
Antiviral properties of clinoptilolite
Preclinical investigation report of tribo mechanically activated zeolite on viral deseases
The effect of zeolite on the toxicity of lead to fungi
9. Balansiranje pH
Lead(II) retention by Alfisol and clinoptilolite: cation balance and pH effect
10. Probava, diarea
Enterex: Anti-diarrheic drug based on purified natural clinoptilolite
11. Bolesti jetre, hepatitis
Assessment of efficacy of the drug litovit as a novel pathogenetic modality in acute virus hepatitis
12. Dijabetes
13. Neurodegenerativne bolesti
Link Between Pesticides And Parkinson’s Strengthened With Family Study
14. Osteoporoza i cijeljenje kostiju
References – zeolite in osteoporosis
Zeolite a inhibits osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in vitro
15. Operativne rane
Comparative efficacy of granular and bagged formulations of the hemostatic agent QuikClot
Lessons Learned from Modern Military Surgery
Procedures for First Responders’ application of QuikClot® hemostatic agent
16. Rane, opekotine, operacije
Local application, zeolite pulver, Lokale Anwendung von TMAZ Pulver und Creme
Case study of neurodermitis(dermatitis atopica) treated with zeolite products
Zeolite Skin Cream gets rid of Skin Cancers with no Pain or Scarring
Zeolithe in Dermatologie und Kosmetik