Brojne američke znanstvene studije autizam kod male djece dovode u vezu s toksikacijom živom odnosno teškim metalima. Kod djece koja imaju dijagnozu autizma poremećen je metabolizam teških metala, bilježe se povišene vrijednosti žive, ali i drugih teških metala. Dječji organizam se na određeni način “adaptirao” na te otrove. Proces detoksikacije odnosno suportivnog liječenja zeolitom treba provoditi dugoročno, ali postupno i neagresivno. Ne postoje relevantne kliničke studije o primjeni zeolita kod autizma, ali znanstvene studije te klinička i anegdotalna iskustva potvrđuju opravdanost primjene zeolita kod autizma (vidi studiju Dr Prociuk: Autism and behavioural disorders in children).
Popis studija
Autizam i poremećaji ponašanja kod djece, transkript konferencije s dr Procuik, travanj 2006, USA
Klinička studija o evaluaciji upotrebe zeolita u tretmanu spektra poremećaja autizma, Dr. Seshagiri Rao, Plano, Texas i Dr. Stephanie Cave Baton rouge, Louisiana USA (2006)
Živa, olovo i cink u dječjim zubima kod djece s autizmom, Professor James Adams, PhD et al, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Control Clinical Study, June 2007
Ekstra dodatak – popis dostupnih znanstvenih studija koje autizam dovode u vezu s toksikacijom teških metala
- Adams JB et al. (2006). Analyses of toxic metals and essential minerals in the hair of Arizona children with autism and associated conditions, and their mothers. Biol Trace Elem Res, 110(3), pp. 193-209. Read Abstract
- Adams JB et al. (2007). Mercury, lead, and zinc in baby teeth of children with autism versus controls. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 70(12), pp. 1046-1051. Read Abstract
- Baxter AJ, Krenzelok EP. (Epub ahead of print). Pediatric fatality secondary to EDTA chelation. Clin Toxicol (Phila), 1-2. Read Abstract
- Brown MJ et al. (2006). Deaths resulting from hypocalcemia after administration of edetate disodium: 2003-2005. Pediatrics.118(2):e534-6. Read Full item
- Davidson P. W. Myers G. J. Weiss B. (2004). Mercury exposure and child development outcomes. Pediatrics, 113(4 Suppl.), pp. 1023-1029. Read Full Item
- Defeat Autism Now! (2005). Mercury Detoxification Consensus Group Position Paper. ARI. Read Full item
- Fido A. and Al-Saad S. (2005). Toxic trace elements in the hair of children with autism. Autism, 9(3), pp. 290-298. Read Abstract
- Geier D.A. et al. (Epub ahead of print). Biomarkers of environmental toxicity and susceptibility in autism. J Neurol Sci. Read Abstract
- Holmes A. S. Blaxhill M. F. Haley B. E. (2003). Reduced levels of mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children. International Journal of Toxicology, 22(4), pp. 277-278. Read Abstract
- Ip P. et al. (2004). Mercury exposure in children with autistic spectrum disorder: case-control study. Journal of Child Neurology, 19(6), pp. 431-434.
- Kern JK et al. (2007). Sulfhydryl-reactive metals in autism. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 70(8), pp. 715-721. Read Abstract
- Mitka M. (2008). Chelation therapy trials halted. Journal of the American Medical Association 300(19), pp. 2236. Read Extract
- National Autistic Society. (2006). Briefing on mercury and autism. London: NAS. Read Full item
- Simpson R.L. et al In: Simpson R.L. et al (2005). Other interventions, treatments, and related agents Autism spectrum disorders: interventions and treatments for children and youth. California, Corwin Press, pp. 207-229.
- Sinha Y, Silove N, Williams K. (2006). Chelation therapy and autism BMJ, 333(7571), p. 756. Read Full item
- Soden SE et al. (2007). 24-hour provoked urine excretion test for heavy metals in children with autism and typically developing controls, a pilot study. Clin Toxicol (Phila), 45(5), pp. 476-481. Read Abstract
- Stokstad E. (18 July 2008). Stalled trial for autism highlights dilemma of alternative treatments. Science, 321(5887), p. 326. Read Full item